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Scone With the Wind Cakes and Bakes with a LIterary Twist


Scone With the Wind Cakes and Bakes with a LIterary Twist

SKU: 9780753556146 Category:

ISBN: 9780753556146
Publication date: 01/04/2015

Bake your way through the classics from Jane Eclair to Tart of Darkness, Banana Karenina and On the Rocky Road, Flapjack and the Beanstalk, Nineteen-eighty Petit Fours and many more! The most novel way to get to grips with the classics, Scone with the Wind features 75 delicious literary inspired recipes. Arranged by genre, enjoy biscuits and cakes, puddings and pies from romance and comedy through to horror and science fiction, and discover fun, edible versions of your favourite books. Includes witty introductions and amusing illustrations throughout, baking essentials and themed menus for book clubs, parties and afternoon teas. The ultimate treat for book (and cake) lovers! Recipes include: Breakfast at Tiffins, Whoopie Pies and Prejudice, Key Lime and Punishment, Captain Corelli's Madeleines, To Kill a Battenberg, Finnegan's Cake, Vanity Fairy Cakes, Middlemarshmallows, Eton Mess of the D'Urbervilles, Life of Pecan Pie, Alone in Berliner, Lord of the Mille-feuilles, The War of the Viennese Whirls, James and the Giant Peach Cobbler, Much Ado About Muffins, The Cherry Pie Orchard, Scone with the Wind and more!

Pages: 160